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What we can do for you

Here For You Concierge offers a variety of services to help its clients. From our standard personal concierge services to speaking engagements, Here For You can help in many ways.

Personal Concierge

We apply our personal concierge services with skill and thoughtfulness.
Skill and Thoughtfulness

Personal Concierge Services

When you simply want assistance with a wide variety of tasks, a personal concierge may be a great solution for you. We help with tasks you do not want to do, don’t have time for, or don’t know how to do.
Services 1

Examples of personal concierge services

Help Around The House

Our client needed weekly help around the house. She requested we change the sheets, wash hand towels, take out the trash, and manage her household vendors such as landscapers.

Help Replacing Broken Item

Our client had two beautiful antique light fixtures, however one of the glass domes broke. So we helped her by calling local vendors, finding one who could make new domes, dropping off the original for reference, and picking up the new one.

Providing Access To Service People

Our client had window washers coming to her home for scheduled cleaning, but she was also scheduled to be at a big meeting. So we provided access to her window washers, supervised their work, answered their questions, and secured the home when they were finished.

Help With A Bridal Shower

Our client's son was getting married, so she asked us to help plan details of the bridal shower for her daughter-in-law. We helped create menu cards, place cards, put together a table scape, and arranged for party rentals.

Picking Up A Present

Our client had ordered a birthday gift for her daughter at a local boutique, so we picked up the wrapped gift and brought it to her home so that she didn't have to make the trip.

Cooking For Grandpa

Our client wanted to have a home cooked meal for their elderly father, but didn't know how to prepare his favorite dish. So we shopped for the ingredients, prepared the meal at the client's home, and packaged it for her to bring to the father's house.

Meal Prep For The Family

Our clients were very busy and found themselves eating too many convenience foods. They worked with us to create a meal plan that we could implement. We followed the recipes they picked and stocked their fridge with perfectly portioned meals that were healthy and delicious.

Household Help

Our client was a single father with a hectic schedule. He asked us to come in on a weekly basis, manage all of the household tasks, and put something in the slow-cooker for his dinner. Having everything done at the end of the day allowed him to relax in his free time.

Getting Ready For The Holidays

Our clients were moving right before the holidays. To help reduce their stress, we assisted with packing for the move, coordinating movers, labeling boxes, as well as wrapping all of their holiday gifts.

Errand Running Services

We offer efficient, high-quality errand running services within the Lehigh Valley.
Covering All Bases

Errand Running Services

From mailing out a birthday gift to your favorite person to personal shopping at your favorite specialty store, we cover it all. Contact us today to see how we can make your life easier.
Services 2

Examples of errand running services

Client Gift
Our client wanted to make a good impression on a potential prospect. So they asked if we could pickup something from a local store, have it gift wrapped, write a note out, and bring it to their place of business.
Servicing Fire Extinguishers
Our client had a fire extinguisher that had not been serviced in many years. So we brought the equipment to the local service location, had it inspected and refilled and brought it back to their home.
Books For A Big Event
Our client ordered books authored by her keynote speaker for a big event she was planning. So we went to the keynote speaker's home, picked up the books, and brought them to the event location.
Take Returns
Many of our clients need returns taken back to the store. Another common client request is to bring e-commerce returns back to the drop off point or a shipping location.
Pick Up Printed Materials
Our client needed trifold brochures printed and picked up before he left for a business trip to another state. We handled everything and brought the brochures to his office before he left.
Pickup From The Cleaners
Many of our clients request for us to pick up or drop off their items to the dry cleaners, or both. We also work with valet style dry cleaners to help expedite this service.
Sending Mailings At The Post Office
Some of our clients request that we send items to their business contacts on their behalf to the post office. This is a white-labeled service, our clients look like rock-stars and take all of the credit!
Household Help

Our client was a single father with a hectic schedule. He asked us to come in on a weekly basis, manage all of the household tasks, and put something in the slow-cooker for his dinner. Having everything done at the end of the day allowed him to relax in his free time.

Equipment Pick Ups
Our client is non-local and asked us to return their cable equipment to the service provider. They were able to delegate the task and not have to worry about it any longer.
Trophy Engraving
Our client's fantasy football trophy was out of date, he asked us to take the blank plaques and have them updated at a local engraver.
Grocery Shopping
Our client couldn't trust her grocery shopping to just anyone during the pandemic. She hired us to do her weekly grocery shopping to her exact specifications.
Pamphlets For A Marketer
Our client had printed pamphlets for her marketing firm. She asked us to pick them up and deliver them to a specific address of her client. She was able to keep working instead of dropping all of her other projects.
Drinks For A Commercial
Our client was a videographer who was shooting a commercial for a local brand. He asked us to go find the product at the local supermarket and bring it to his home.

Holiday Help Services

It’s the most wonderful and busy time of the year!
Handling the Holidays

Holiday Help Services

Let us handle your holiday to-do list – from small to large. Call us today so that we can make the holidays stress-free for you and your family!
Services 3

Examples of holiday help

Client Gifting Help

Every year we help our client send out holiday gifts to her clients. We create a list of people to send gifts to, get a budget for each, help to shop for and order each gift. If the gift cannot be delivered, we will wrap and drop off the gift to her client's home on her behalf.

Wrapping It All Up

Every year we wrap hundreds of gifts for various clients around the holidays. Typically our clients will put post it notes on each saying who they are for and from, or they will create piles for each person. We can use their gift wrapping supplies or bring our own. This saves time and stress!

Ideas Please

The holidays were near and our client was running out of ideas for her grandson. So we helped her brainstorm a few last minute gifts, ordered them for her, and had them delivered to her home, in time for the holidays.

Wrapping Parties

For business or groups, we can arrange a Wrapping Party. We bring the supplies and extra helpers to do the wrapping. This is a great way to thank your employees during the holidays or to get together with friends. Having the help to get all of the wrapping done is a big stress reliever!

Shopping For The Whole Family

Every year one of our clients participates in a charity holiday shopping trip with a non-profit. Each person receives a list of gifts wished for by a needy family. One year she missed the group shopping trip, but still wanted to bless the family who's list she choose. She sent us to the store with the list and we fulfilled every request on her behalf, and wrapped everything up for her. She got to be an angel to a family in need, which filled her heart with Christmas Joy!

Putting Up The Tree

Our weekly client wanted to get a head start on her holiday prep, so she put the tree on our to-do list! We setup the over 9' tree, connected the lights, and spread out the branches. We even arranged the tree skirt and vacuumed up the pines that fell on the rug. When she got home with her kids they were all thrilled, and didn't have to do the work!

Business Assistance

We know you’re busy. Let us assist you with all your business needs.
Increase Productivity

Business Assistance Services

With a little assistance, your business can be more productive and produce better results. Reach out to us today so see if we can help you with one, or more, of the following services.
Services 4

Examples of business assistance services

Help Upgrading
Our client asked for some help backing up files and working on his computer. We helped him to create multiple backups, and suggested several upgrades that he could make in his home office to greatly improve his workflow and efficiency.
Change The Menu
Our client wanted to update his digital menu boards. We helped him to update all three menu boards, highlight top selling products, and reorganized the layout to be more visually appealing. We also helped to install the new menus on site.
Help With Startups
Our client was starting up a new business. We helped him to setup multiple new profiles, helped setup his online store, helped take photos of his products, created a simple website for him, and we are managing his weekly social media postings.
Sending Out Mailers
Our client wanted to delegate sending out her monthly mailers to her list. We collected the materials from her, so now she can simply email us the documents and we take care of printing, assembling, and writing out notes on her behalf.
Software Transition
Our client is implementing a new software for his staff. So we helped by coming to his office, attending training seminars for the software, managing the tasks needed to make the transition, and providing assistance to staff members to learn the new software.
Going Paperless
Our client has a side business and wants to keep her receipts in the cloud. We help her by scanning the receipts into PDF form, renaming the files to be found easily, and entering the data into spreadsheets for her bookkeeper. She mails us the receipts and we mail them back when finished.

Professional Organizing

Organization is very important to our overall health and well-being.
Keeping Things in Order

Professional Organizing Services

We hope you find the services you are looking for below, but if not, feel free to reach out because we offer our services for a variety of organization projects.
Services 5

Photo Management

No one loves looking at a messy box of slowly deteriorating precious photos.
Saving Your Memories

Photo Management Services

We love helping clients with their photos. People of all ages can enjoy looking back at the memories that photos invoke. However, no one loves looking at a messy box of slowly deteriorating precious photos. Photo Management services help families, and businesses preserve their best moments and put them into an accessible format.
Services 7

Examples of photo management services

Disney Trip Albums For Christmas
Our client took a fun trip to Disney with her grandchildren and had photos on an official USB but also her phone. We collected all of the photos, edited them, and created albums for her to give out for Christmas presents.
Slide Conversion
Our client had almost two thousand slides she inherited from her father detailing her family as her and her siblings grew up. We helped her convert the two totes worth of slides, while capturing her father's labels of the dates and subjects. Once they had been converted we helped her backup the images so they are preserved for the next generation.
What's In A Box
Our client inherited a box of photos from her mother going back decades. She didn't know what to do with them. We helped by scanning the photos, making backups, and creating albums for her to give to her father and brothers as Christmas presents. Now all members of the family will have access to the digital images and all can enjoy them.
Memorial Video
Our client is making a memorial documentary for an upcoming charity scholarship golf event. She wanted to incorporate photos but only had them in physical format. So we scanned her photos and even camera scanned some of the sports items she had in order to be used in the video.
VHS Compilation
We helped two sisters both get their family VHS tapes converted to digital format. They loved the results but we not excited about watching hours and hours of footage with their children. So we took the footage and make compilation videos that were 10-20 minutes long of birthdays, holidays, and general clips that can be enjoyed together with their children.
A Box Of Everything
Our client was moving to another country. While we were helping to downsize her home, we came across magazines her business was featured in, family VHS tapes, slides, and negatives. We helped her convert them all to digital and backed them all up onto one central hard drive, so that she can decide to get rid of the originals and still have access to all of her important memories.
A Family History
Our client's family history album was falling apart. She wished to preserve the photos that her grandmother had lovingly passed down to her. We helped to scan the pages of the album, the loose photos, and to make copies for each of her siblings. We also ordered archival binder and polyurethane sleeves so that the album will be in great shape for generations to come.
A Business History
Our client had meticulously preserved his business's history in a binder. He was worried about what would happen if this binder were to be damaged or lost. We helped him by scanning all of the photographs, documents, news articles, and catalogues; then meticulously replaced them in their original order. He now has peace of mind that all of his historical documents are safely backed up in case anything should ever happen.
A Grab Bag
Our client had a bag of old media hidden in the back of the closet for years. When she found out about what we do, she was excited to find out what was in the bag. There were negatives, slides, and even rolls of film that had never been processed. We had to research but were able to find a lab to process the different types of legacy film. Family photos that had never been seen were able to be viewed and cherished.

Examples of albums we created

Wedding Albums

Whether your wedding was yesterday or many years ago, we can take the digital images and put together a beautiful album for you and your spouse to enjoy for many years. If your current wedding album is not backed up, we can scan the images and create backups so that heaven forbid something were to happen to your home where it is stored, you will have an extra copy.

Vacation Albums

Memories of vacation can be so much fun to look back on and relive. Using the digital images, or creating digital images from physical photos, we will help create an album of your favorite vacation that shows all of the laughter, screams on the roller coasters, 5 Star meals, and awesome outfits for you and your family to remember for many years.

Family History Albums

Love looking at family photos but hate digging through the box that they are being housed in? We can scan and backup the digital images of your family photos and create a special album that can be printed for every member of the family. Have stories that you want to pass down to future generations as well? We will type these up and incorporate them into your album to create a legacy for your descendants.

Children’s Growing Up Albums

Do you miss the days when your child was much smaller? Do you wish you had been able to create a beautiful album of their adorable baby photos? These types of projects are so meaningful and special to us. We will help bring your child’s memories to life with a keepsake they will treasure for years to come.

Memorial Albums

When you miss your loved one, having a physical album of their photographs can bring great comfort. We will help to tell your loved one’s story through their photos.

Virtual Assistance

We provide a wide variety of virtual assistant services to help you in your projects.
Get Your Work Done

Virtual Assistant Services

Do you have a large project you’ll need extra help with? Do you have research or editing work that keeps getting put on the back burner? Call us today so we can help you complete these projects.
Services 8

Examples of virtual assistance

Research For A Wedding
Our client is getting married and asked us to help him research photographers, scenic locations for a photo shoot, and luxury cars to rent the day of the wedding. We provided him with an excel sheet for each of these so he was able to just select someone without having to do all of the digging!
Help With Streaming Services
Our client needs religious services streamed every weekend. So we help them by starting and stopping the stream, monitoring for any interruptions, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. They are able to focus on the services while we take care of the back end.
Help From Another State
Our client is running a business in another state and needs help with different marketing tasks. We help her by writing blogs, sending out email campaigns, scheduling her social media posts, updating her website, keeping her online listings current, and managing her online events.
Listing Items
Our client had a bunch of items for sale but no time to list them all and respond to messages. So we listed everything, answered messages from potential buyers, arranged times around the clients schedule to meet, and took down the listings after the items had sold.
Creating Documents
Our client needed help creating documents but could not meet in person because of their schedule. So we helped her create a shared document that she could see us working on in real time. We added images, formatted, and sent her the document via email so she could submit it on time.
Our client did not want to have to hand address all of his invoice envelopes every single month. So we created labels that he can print out from his computer. Whenever he has a change of address or an addition/subtraction we add them to the label file and send the new file via email so he can always have an updated copy when needed.

Gifting Service

From personal gifting to employee and client gifting.
Celebrate with Joy

Gifting Services

Let us handle your gift giving projects — from small to large. Call us today so that we can help you send the perfect gift!
Services 9

Examples of gifting services

New Client Gifts
Whenever our clients' company gets a new client, they like to welcome them with a personalized gift. So they send us a few details about their new client, we shop, send them selections for approval, purchase, receive, write a personalized note, and send the item to their client on their behalf. They get the credit without spending all of the time!
Forgot My Anniversary

Our client forgot his anniversary, so on short notice we went and purchased a custom flower arrangement, and delivered it to his home. When his wife got back she was delighted and surprised to find a large bouquet from her husband waiting for her.

Holiday Helper
Every year we help our client send out holiday gifts to her clients. We create a list of people to send gifts to, get a budget for each, help to shop for and order each gift. If the gift cannot be delivered, we will wrap and drop off the gift to her client's home on her behalf.
Ideas Please
The holidays were near and our client was running out of ideas for her grandson. So we helped her brainstorm a few last minute gifts, ordered them for her, and had them delivered to her home, in time for the holidays.
Wrapping It All Up
Every year we wrap hundreds of gifts for various clients around the holidays. Typically our clients will put post it notes on each saying who they are for and from, or they will create piles for each person. We can use their gift wrapping supplies or bring our own. This saves time and stress!
Wrapping Parties
For business or groups, we can arrange a Wrapping Party. We bring the supplies and extra helpers to do the wrapping. This is a great way to thank your employees during the holidays or to get together with friends. Having the help to get all of the wrapping done is a big stress reliever!

Speaking Engagements

Our speaking services can provide valuable and engaging content to your audience.
Engaging Presentations

Speaking Engagements

Melissa’s extensive experience with public speaking makes her an excellent candidate for all your speaking services needs. She has presented at ‘1 Million Cups’ 2x and at Toastmasters International. She is a competent communicator who can handle large or small groups. Contact us today to see if we’d be a good fit for your needs.
Services 10

Speaking experience

LeTip of the Lehigh Valley

February 2024 - "Perfect Gift Giving" | February 2023 | September 2022 | October 2021 | August 2021 – Presented 7 Minute Business Update with Q & A to a professional networking group of 45 Business Owners.

Ladies Doing Business

March 2023 - Organizing Your Photos | August 2022 – Presented 15 Minute Business Update with Q & A to a professional networking group of 20 Women Business Owners.

Corporate Lunch and Learn: "Finding Freedom from Clutter"

September 2021 – Conducted three different 45-minute presentations for groups of 20-30 participants. Conducted an audience survey to gauge audience topics of interest.

1 Million Cups

October 6, 2021 – Presentation: 2 year Business Update

View the Presentation Here

October 28, 2020 – Presentation: 1 Year Business Update

September 11, 2019 – Presentation: Here For You Concierge

Emmaus Public Library

Sep 2019 – Present – (Volunteer)
Present Quarterly/Monthly on topics such as Technology, Organizing, and Meal Prep to library patrons. Online and in-person presentations. Helped to advertise and raise awareness of the Library through cross-promoting the events to my audience.

Leads Business Group

August 2019 – Presented 20 Minute Service Overview with Q & A to a professional networking group of 20 Business Owners.

Toastmasters International

Oct 2014 – Jun 2018 – (Volunteer) Area E53 Director: Worked with 4 area clubs to ensure quality programs and offer support. Organized area contests and biannual club visits. Coached club leadership team. Recognized as a Distinguished Area.

Collegeville Toastmasters

Member from 2015-2018 | Club President 2016-2017 – Presided over club and executive team, organized club contest and arranged additional meetings to meet the needs of a growing club. Represented the club at area contests and district conferences. Under my Presidency the club earned the recognition of Select Distinguished in the Distinguished Club Program.

Certifications: Competent Communicator | Advanced Leader Bronze

Printed Photo Organizing Made Easy

Are your printed photos hiding in shoeboxes, closets, and old photo albums? You aren’t alone! Hidden in those photo collections are the stories of your life: first steps, weddings, graduation, milestone birthdays, family gatherings–all worth sharing and preserving. Melissa Draving, Personal Concierge, will share tips on ways to bring your photos and stories back into your life.

How to Delegate Successfully

Join us to find out how you can start delegating successfully at home or in your business.

Finding Freedom from Clutter

Learn everything you need to know to clear clutter from your home, office, and life!

Meal Planning 2.0

Our best meal planning tips at your fingertips! Watch and learn.

How to Organize your Home Office

We are more productive and at ease when we are organized. Let’s start with our home office. Happy organizing!

Staying Close While We're Far Away

Are you interested in how to use technology to stay in touch with family and friends? Look no further, we’ve got you covered.

Sending Holiday Cheer Virtually

Do you want to connect with far-away family members through video calling technology? Is your holiday card list a mess? Do you have a lot of old greeting cards laying around? Join for a Virtual Speaking Presentation from Melissa Draving from Here For You Concierge in Emmaus. We are looking forward to learning how to make the holiday season a little bit brighter using technology.

Getting Organizing in 2021

Yearly planning is essential to your home office and business. Let’s get organized together!

Getting Smart about Smart Devices

All about how to use smart devices to organize your to-dos, time, and paper. Let’s optimize!